Kinitics Featured in Tech Briefs Magazine

The June 2018 issue of Tech Briefs includes an article covering the use of shape memory alloy in linear actuators, based on the Bundled Wire technology developed by Kinitics Automation. The article, written by Kinitics president Dean Pick, is titled “Shape Memory Alloys Achieve High Force and Precision” and covers the basic concepts of shape memory alloys, how SMAs can be bundled to achieve the desired performance in a high-force linear actuator, and some of the resulting capabilities. Tech Briefs magazine features cutting-edge technologies developed by innovators within NASA, the military, federal laboratories, universities and commercial companies, and is available in print and digital formats.
Read the article online here: Shape Memory Alloys Achieve High Force and Precision
Download the June 2018 issue of Tech Briefs here: Tech Briefs